Employer Representation
Your trusted legal advisors.
As lawyers and business owners, we know it’s important to have a trusted legal advisor to consult with on employment decisions. After 10 years of primarily representing individuals, we are available to your business on an hourly basis or if pre-paid, in blocks of time from 3, 4 or 5 hours. There’s no long-term commitment but we’re here if you need us.
We handle a wide variety of employment issues. A representative list is below. Please consider us when you need to speak with a lawyer.

Have a Case?
The ability to file a lawsuit is generally subject to a time limitation. If you delay contacting an attorney, your claim may be barred. If you feel you have a case we can work on together, then please contact us by using the form below.
This website presents general information about Monarch Law and is not intended as legal advice nor should you consider it as such. You should not act upon this information without seeking professional counsel. Please keep in mind that merely contacting Monarch Law will not establish an attorney-client relationship. Monarch Law cannot represent you until we confirm there is no conflict of interest, and the firm determines that it is otherwise able to accept the engagement. Accordingly, please do not send us any information or documents until a formal attorney-client relationship has been established through an interview with an attorney and you get authorization in the form of an engagement letter from Monarch Law. Any information or documents sent prior to your receipt of an engagement letter cannot be treated as confidences, secrets or protected information of any nature. Clicking “Please Review” acknowledges that you understand and agree with this notice.