What is it?

Workers’ Rehabilitation Service (“WRS”) is a service dedicated to ensuring an injured worker returns to gainful employment. It provides the tools necessary for the employee to obtain a position that is physically appropriate. The Rehabilitation Coordinators have a master’s degree in counseling, and at least 7 years of professional experience in the field of counseling to be considered for hire. They act as the injured worker’s personal advocate.

Is this a good thing?

Yes. After the injured worker is paired with a Rehabilitation Coordinator, she will get an individualized plan that takes her physical abilities and aptitude test results into consideration. The individual will learn important skills such as job seeking and formal training in a vocation. There’s a reported a 95% success rate with this service.

Does the employer pay?

No. There’s no cost to employers. WRS lowers the costs related to work-related injuries and has been shown to help prevent future injuries as well. WRS helps employers with current or prospective employees. Employees who have completed this service tend to be well-trained and confident individuals, with a willingness to work.

Monarch Law routinely represents claimants before the Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Commission. We also consult with employers on various matters, including injured workers. Contact us to schedule a consultation.